Top Five foods that shouldn't be avoided by slimmer .keep these five items always handy
1)Drink a large glass of lemon water when you wake and then continue to do so every couple of hours throughout the day.You may have to urinate frequently in the first couple of weeks of drinking more but as your body adapts this should soon settle down.
2)Food such as 'whole oats', 'wholegrain wheat or 'wholegrain bread'. Porridge, Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, Weetabix and wholegrain muesli are all good options that will help to keep your energy levels high and your brain functioning well all morning long.
3)Add a little spice to your chosen cereal .try adding a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to it. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition adding just one teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a high carb meal such as breakfast cereal or rice pudding can slow the rate at which it releases its sugars into the blood stream by up to 34 per cent. This will help you to feel fully fuelled all morning is also found that adding a little cinnamon to your food can significantly improve brain function, co-ordination and memory too.
4)Avoid Tea, coffee and cola may be what you crave when you're flagging but in the long run they'll leave you feeling drained. The caffeine they contain stimulates hormones that act in a way similar to 'over revving' an engine. You feel energised for a short while but your body pays the price afterwards when you experience a negative rebound effect.
Far better to slowly cut back on drinks that contain caffeine - no more that one or two a day - and switch to herbal hot drinks instead. These will help to rehydrate you and balance out those stimulating hormones.
5) Good quality, protein rich foods such as nuts, seeds, beans, pulses, meat, fish and eggs all help to slow down the rate at which foods release their sugars into your blood stream, therefore helping to ensure a more constant stream of energy throughout the day. Use this to your advantage by adding a handful of mixed seeds to your cereal, putting a dessert spoon of ground almonds in your breakfast smoothie, having a poached or boiled egg with your wholegrain toast or sprinkling a handful of nuts on your porridge.