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Pregnancy after 30+

Planned pregnancies can help you prepare both mentally and physically. As she ages, a woman continues to have regular periods, but probably ovulates less frequently. So when she starts trying for a baby, it might be a while before she actually conceives. So you need to be mentally prepared that it may take you longer to get pregnant.
PRIMING YOURSELF: Here's what you can do to ensure the best possible chance of getting pregnant.
Take supplements: Start with prenatal vitamins at least a couple of months before you plan to get pregnant. The multi-vitamin must include zinc and 0.4 mg of folic acid, a vitamin that helps to prevent neural tube defects in your baby.
Arm yourself with vaccinations: Get vaccinated for German measles and chicken pox before you try to conceive.
Eat well-balanced meals: Food and fertility are linked. Make sure you and your partner eat nutritious meals.Avoid junk food
Exercise regularly and maintain ideal body weight: If you are overweight, try to lose kilos. If you are underweight, gain to improve your chances of conceiving.
Quit smoking and drinking: Smoking and drinking may cause deformities in your baby. Give up both immediately.
Avoid OTC drugs: Certain medication, like aspirin, can alter your ovulation cycle, making it harder to calculate your fertile period each month. If it's a painkiller you need, try acetaminophen instead.
Have smart sex: Make sure you have sex during your most fertile period.
In a 28-day menstrual cycle, that would be days 12 through 16.
Limit the amount of sex you have to only once per day during those 5 days to give your partner's sperm count time to return to its normal levels.


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