Some women believe bread, cling film and chicken skin can be used as contraceptive, a poll by a healthcare giant has revealed
The survey of 1,000 women aged 18 to 50 unearthed a number of misconceptions about family planning.
One in five detailed bizarre methods of contraception including eating garlic or using bread, plastic wrap or chicken skin as a barrier method.
The poll, carried out by Opinion Health for drug manufacturer Bayer Schering Pharma, also found a number of misunderstandings about the contraceptive pill.
Half of those surveyed wrongly thought that taking the pill long term could cause infertility, and 10% said that it would always take a number of years to regain fertility after coming off the medication.
More than a third thought that the greatest risk of getting pregnant while taking the combined contraceptive pill occurred in the middle of a pack, when in fact it is at the beginning and end.
The combined pill contains oestrogen and progestogen.
Dr Annie Evans, Women's Health Specialist at the Bristol Sexual Health Centre, said: "It is not surprising that this survey has uncovered how widespread contraceptive myths still are in this country, given that Britain continues to have the highest unintended pregnancy rate in Europe, with as many as 50% of births being unintended.
"It is vital that women are made aware of the facts, using the credible sources of information available to them."
One in five detailed bizarre methods of contraception including eating garlic or using bread, plastic wrap or chicken skin as a barrier method.
The poll, carried out by Opinion Health for drug manufacturer Bayer Schering Pharma, also found a number of misunderstandings about the contraceptive pill.
Half of those surveyed wrongly thought that taking the pill long term could cause infertility, and 10% said that it would always take a number of years to regain fertility after coming off the medication.
More than a third thought that the greatest risk of getting pregnant while taking the combined contraceptive pill occurred in the middle of a pack, when in fact it is at the beginning and end.
The combined pill contains oestrogen and progestogen.
Dr Annie Evans, Women's Health Specialist at the Bristol Sexual Health Centre, said: "It is not surprising that this survey has uncovered how widespread contraceptive myths still are in this country, given that Britain continues to have the highest unintended pregnancy rate in Europe, with as many as 50% of births being unintended.
"It is vital that women are made aware of the facts, using the credible sources of information available to them."
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