Ingredients: 8 whole oranges, thinly sliced; 3 whole lemons, thinly sliced; 4 cups of orange juice; 4 cups of dry, granulated sugar and Pectin
Method: Using a peeler remove only the colored part of the peeland set it aside. Slice the oranges and lemons in half across the segments. The tough, white part in the center must be cut out and discarded. Slice the two halves into thin slices. Chop the slices up a bit!
Remove and discard any seeds or tough parts of the orange that you find in the process. Mix the dry pectin with about 1/4 cup of sugar. Stir the pectin into the chopped fruit. Put the mix in a big pot and set aside for a moment. Mix the peels in 2 cups of the original 4 cups of water or orange juice and 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda in a saucepan. Bring the mix to a boil. Cover it, turn down the heat and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Add the chopped fruit, the remaining 2 cups of juice and simmer for 10 minutes more. Add the sugar and bring the mixture back to a full boil. Stir the mix and bring it to a full boil, hard, for one minute. And store in a jar.
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